DG Training

DGM has a reputation in providing high quality and practical training courses related to the transport, handling and storage of dangerous goods and hazardous materials.
Students receive comprehensive training materials in sessions that combine excellent teaching practices with expert knowledge. Thousands of shippers & packers, freight forwarders, operators & handling agents, security screeners have been trained by DGM according to their responsibilities.
Most of DGM offices are accredited by Local Civil Aviations and by IATA as an ATS (Accredited Training School) to conduct dangerous goods air training courses.
DGM customizes regularly training programs to satisfy customer specific needs and requirements. No matter where you are, our trainings are conducted in house, with DGM or in webinars.
Please check our training courses schedule by DGM location at the DGM global training table.
Training Schedule
Training Categories
- IATA DGR CAT 1 to CAT 12 Categories (IATA-DGR)
- Dangerous Goods by Road Transport (ADR)
- Dangerous Goods by Sea Transport (IMDG)
- Dangerous Goods by Rail Transport (RID)
- Dangerous Goods Transport (49 CFR)
- Multimodal Dangerous Goods Transport (IMDG/ADR/IATA-DGR)
- Dangerous Goods Warehousing and Storage
- Dangerous Goods Awareness (by Road, Air, Sea or Rail Transport)
- Radioactive Materials
- Shipping of Dry Ice
- Shipping of Lithium Batteries
- Security

Memberships and Acknowledgements

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